Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Risk vs adventure

Flash back to year 10 high school,  my teacher Ms Black our outdoor education teacher,  taught us about adventure and what makes an adventure.  It is a simple recipe of risk and how far you push the boundaries.  The further you are away from help the higher the risk, thus making an adventure.

Well Ms Black only if you could see us now!! (Ms Black was the best teacher,  I did learn something after all in your class).

In the last couple of days we have been pushing the risk factor to the edge, some nights we were riding our bikes at night with half the team, with no lights working on the bikes thanks to electrical issues.  Don't worry Ms Black, we bunched up all bikes together and rode in a group.  1 light shared for 2 bikes,  scary shit on technical single tracks and highways.  Mum I hope you don't read this post.

Riding the bikes through remote towns of secluded islands is a thrill but knowing if you hurt yourself, you are in real trouble.

 We witnessed our sweep rider go down hard (broke his hip),  with no help for hundreds of k's.  We had to watch him suffer in pain for days while we island hopped back to an island with medical help.  It took 3 days, with the sweep rider down it meant the risk skyrocketed for the team.

The further off the beaten track we pushed, the worse the  accommodation would become, even worse then school camp accommodation Ms Black. Full on stank,  bed bug paradise.  I will be bleaching my body after this trip.

Travis would call the accommodation we stay in 'rape dungeons'. At best the accommodation had a bed to share so we have been teaming up on the double beds when we were lucky.

I think I now understand the concept of risk Ms Black.

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